Bio Short

I would like to be awarded Uncle of the Year, if not by “the Academy”, at least by my sisters family.  My niece and nephew are roughly 6 and 8 and they inspire me every day.  I aim to inspire them as well.

I’m in my late forties now and I’ve seen much of the world.  It thrills me to share these experiences with them, often with dramatic flair and a twist of humor.  They amaze me months, or even years later, when snippets of these tales appear in their thoughts and observations.

I have worked as a software developer for over twenty years.  It is my day job.  My mornings, however, are free with imagination and creativity.  I sat at the same cafe for the better part of a year, grinning like an idiot, putting these illustrations and this story together, bit by bit, as a Christmas gift for my niece and nephew.  Those mornings provided some of the most liberating and exciting moments of my year.


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